Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Crazy Town

The secret is out. I now know how innocent people admit to committing heinous crimes. They cram them in a room with slate gray institutional walls with nothing but their own thoughts to entertain them. Hours pass until they find themselves crazy enough to admit to anything. I experienced this today at the doctor's office. A rash managed to engulf my face, neck, chest, and back. It itches like fire, so I finally broke down and carted myself to the clinic. The clock read 4:40 when I entered said establishment. Three hours dwindled by as I waited. I could almost feel the earth slowly rotating on its axis. Recently I have found that my patience level with certain things carries an extremely low tolerance. While sitting in this dull gray room with minimal surroundings, questions crested to the top of my brain. Why am I deathly afraid of pool drains? Am I agile enough to do a running back flip off this wall? Would anyone notice if the tongue depressor jar resting on the tainted sanitarium style cart were moved? Should I try out for American Idol? Why does no one else in my family need glasses, but I can't see two inches in front of me? Seriously, these and more cracked questions infiltrated my mind. By the time the doctor finally came in, had he been the popo, I would have admitted to whatever it was they said I did just so I could get out of that room for a change of scenery! Luckily, it only took about five minutes to get my medications and be on my merry way...

This evening was in no way indicative of what I thought it would be based on the morning. The sunrise this morning absolutely penetrated the sky with hues of violet, terra cota orange, and soft yellow murals of sheer beauty. I found myself realizing the subtle miracles of God's creation and how easy it is to forget his grace, even for a moment. As I drove home tonight, my mind drifted to thoughts of this morning. With all the happenings of the day, I almost forgot about the beautiful beginning. In the everyday race we call life, may we remember what eternally matters at the end.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Said it before, will say it again---Love you and your outlook on life. Dad #2